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Law Offices Of David S. Rich - Employment lawyer

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New Jersey: (201) 740-2828

Law Offices Of David S. Rich - Employment lawyer

Text Us: (347) 389-7755

What Is The Minimum Wage That My Company Must Pay To Its Workers In Manhattan And The Rest Of Manhattan Attorney

In Manhattan, the minimum wage rates vary, depending on where you do business. On and after December 31, 2020, the minimum wages in the Manhattan, NYC area are:

  • The borough of Manhattan:
    • $15.00 per hour
    • If you do business with the borough of Manhattan, you may have to comply with the City’s Living Wage Law, which imposes not only a minimum wage rate of $15.00 per hour, but also a health benefit supplement to that minimum wage.
  • Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties:
    • $14.00 per hour
    • On and after July 1, 2021, $15.00 per hour for fast food employees at fast food establishments.
    • On and after December 31, 2021, the minimum wage rate applying to employers in Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties will increase to $15.00 per hour.
  • Outside of the borough of Manhattan and outside of Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties:
    • $12.50 per hour
    • On and after July 1, 2021, $15.00 per hour for fast food employees at fast food establishments.

With respect to employers (regardless of the number of employees they employ) in New York State, but outside of Manhattan and outside of Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties, the minimum wage will incrementally increase to $15.00 per hour over the next few years. Different (and complicated) rules apply to tip credit and restaurant workers. 

Call Manhattan Employment Lawyer David S. Rich to retain a skilled minimum wage and overtime attorney to defend your company in unpaid minimum wage or unpaid overtime lawsuits or other wage and hour litigation.

Our firm’s labor and employment practice includes the following:

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David Rich

Call Now For An Initial Consultation

New York (347) 941-0760 |
New Jersey (201) 740-2828